Creativity, innovation and education have always been in my blood. I have always been less interested in being given the answers to questions and far more interested in finding the answers for myself! It was therefore only natural that when founding Joel Meyer Israel Tours back in 2009, these principles would form the backbone of my approach.
I spent my formative early years living in the UK - where I developed a strong sense of Jewish peoplehood - that would ultimately see me make my home in Israel, along with a large dose of curiosity, interest and respect for different faiths and traditions.
About Joel

As a guide:
In addition to academic studies in the field of International History and Politics, I also hold a diploma from the Ministry of Tourism in Israel as a Licensed Tour Guide in Israel and have worked professionally as a consultant, trainer, guide and educator for many years – guiding many groups, families, business travelers, VIPs, student groups and political delegations.
Israel is an incredible country, complex and inspirational – though not without its struggles and challenges. It is these questions, issues and challenges that make Israel such an absorbing place to explore and a meaningful place to guide.
Understanding not only the rich history of the country, its culture, archaeology and its people but also the ideologies, narratives, dilemmas and questions that surround them are key to connecting with this unique place.
Each time that I guide I learn something new – through the eyes of those that I am traveling with.

As a teacher, trainer and educator:
I have been fortunate enough to have had a wealth of rich experiences that have taken me across the world in pursuit of knowledge and have learned so much from many talented people.
I have a deep passion for self-development and leadership and am honored to have been invited to teach around the globe – from the USA and Canada to South Africa, Turkey, Greece and more.
I am also deeply proud to have served as a Cultural Attache (Shaliach) for Israel in the UK for 3.5 years.

As a father and husband:
I am married with three young daughters, Eliya, Lishan and Liyu and live, together with my amazing wife Eginsu, in atown called Harish in the north of Israel. For me, Israel is not just another country, but a unique place where the dreams and aspirations of my family intertwine with that of the land and its people.
Every lecture and tour is as meaningful for me as the first. I look forward to having the next powerful and inspirational experience with you!